Jun 14, 2009


Manatee6's B-day!!!
When: June 15th(tomorrow) at 12:00 PST
Where: My igloo on Ice Breaker
Who: Samson, Snicker, Cheroes, Spongebob, and all our cp friends!
What to bring: Swimming suit because we're going to go to my pool in my igloo, cooking stuff for the first annual Manatee6 Cook-Off, your talent for the talent show, smiles for lots of fun, and bring you laugh for some funny would you rather!
Cheroes, I know you're going to ask:
12:00 PST=3:00 if you are three hours ahead!!!
Hope you can make it!


  1. 3:00??? WHY 3:00!!!!!!!! I GO TO MY GRANDMA'S HOUSE AFTER SCHOOL AND I STAY THERE TILL 4:50!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! PLEASE MAKE IT 5:00 OR 5:30!!

  2. i cant cheroes. i ALWAYS change the time and i just want it to be how i said it because then it will confuse people and yea.

  3. hey manatee this will be as fun as my birthday party but im sure even cooler and im pretty sure i will come! ~scdawg


Please no swearing, being rude, or anything mean about anyone.