May 4, 2009

I'm Back from School!

I'm back from school! I got back so late because I had to go to lacrosse(UGH!). Lacrosse was boring because, well, this person is like SOOOOOOO aggressive, and she goes like CRAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY! Anyway, she like was jamming the head(net of the stick) into the ground and dirt was like going everywhere! And I only have $2.00 left on my lunch account! OH NO! So my dad's putting more on! Yay! Well, I have a picture of one of my friends Cheroes on the left, and my dad, Chemdad1960 on the right! He has one so when he goes on business trips, we can play. In the center is my igloo! Enjoy!


  1. You have more money on your account!!!! Love ya!


  2. aggressive? jamming the head of a stick into the ground? CRAZY? wow thanks :(

  3. NO!!!! IT WAS AT LACROSSE!!!!!


Please no swearing, being rude, or anything mean about anyone.