Hello, I am Manatee6, your CP Quiz host! This is a biweekly quiz. The people who get -0/A+/100% get to have a SPECIAL photo shoot with me! You will go on Hannajean's Chat Box at 4:00 PST(Penguin Standard Time). The day will be decided after I close the quiz, so check back in two weeks or so. Now, this quiz is about.......................................…………………………………………………………GAMES! Please answer these questions:
1. What is the game where you use a tube or a wakeboard to jump over objects?
2. Blue, Red, Four. These are words for:
3. True or False. There are several ways to play in Aqua Grabber.
4. There are _(number)_ belts in Card Jitsu.
5. The only puffle not in Puffle Round-up is the _(color)_ puffle.
That concludes this quiz! Stay smart!
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